My Story
I've made over £3 million in online sales. This is how I did it.
Here's my story and how it all started for me.
Here's how it all started...
In 2007, I opened an eBay account (the same account that I still have and operate today) whilst working full-time as a television engineer. I started out selling replacement instrument dial-kits for MG-Rover cars that I would design myself, print, and fit for other MG car enthusiasts, at home. I owned a convertible MG TF soft-top myself at that time and wanted to replace the instrument dials with something a little more snazzy. So I decided to make my own. I showcased what I had created on various online enthusiast forums and began realising there was actual demand for what I had created. So I started selling these kits on eBay.
Fast forward to 2010 and my eBay business had grown into a thriving entrepreneurship. The money I was making as a side income (in my spare time) had surpassed what I was making at my full-time job. The time had come for me to make a BIG decision. And so I did exactly that.
I quit my day job and did eBay, Amazon & Etsy full-time
As soon as I went full-time on eBay I immediately branched out into other things, including selling on both Amazon and Etsy. I started selling decals and other car accessories that I could reasonably make at home with a basic die-cutting machine, and although my equipment has significantly improved over the years -- we still sell some of these products today in 2024 -- 14 years later. A true testament to the entrepreneurial innovation that I was showing at that time. This continued successfully until 2014, by which time I had a sizeable office, employed multiple full-time staff and had very real bills to pay. Then things changed.
By mid-2014 we were experiencing a significant slump in sales likely brought about by increased competition as selling on online marketplaces became ever more popular with each passing year. This ongoing slump was significant enough that I had to take immediate action, which is when we split the business in two. The decals and car accessory business became JCM® Graphics.
Around the same time we launched a new innovative reseller program in an effort to increase sales. We called it our "Official Merchant Programme" -- which opened up our ever expanding product range to other sellers and allowed them to sell our products for a profit through the means of dropshipping.
Here's the actual Ad we ran for this program back in 2015 🤦
To this day, I still don't know why we hired an American guy to do the Ad.
Becoming an eBay Trading Assistant
Meanwhile, we also started an entirely new business as an eBay Trading Assistant -- an idea I had sitting around for several years. We began offering consignment services on eBay where clients entrusted us with their items for sale.
By 2017 we had grown into one of the largest operating eBay Trading Assistants in the UK with more than 30,000 items listed for sale on our eBay store, most of which, were used clothing. The program proved to be incredibly popular and our services were sought by hundreds of individuals and businesses across the UK.
While successful, this consignment model proved laborious, with slim margins and complex storage logistics due to our wide acceptance criteria. This forced us eventually to hone into just selling used clothing which enabled us to streamline our operations and become significantly more efficient in the process.
Introducing Instant Buy Offers'
Later that year we introduced Instant Buy Offers' a new service for our eBay Trading Assistant clients where we would offer to purchase items upfront. This proved to be extremely popular with our clients who simply loved the fact that they would be paid upfront, rather than having to wait for their items to sell to be paid. This was a key pivotal moment for our business as we discovered exactly what the supply side of our market wanted -- instant cash.
We went on to double our net profit margin, and sell over 100,000 pre-loved items on eBay, worth over £1.4M in sales
By 2018 we had completely niched down to pre-loved clothing and were selling 80-100 items every day, 7 days a week. It was relentless.

Our then two-person processing team were hard at work just keeping up with what we we're selling, averaging around 120 new listings per day, 5 days a week -- just to ensure that our store wasn't shrinking. By this time we were selling almost exclusively pre-loved womenswear -- buying everything upfront with our Instant Buy Offers' program. This had a postive impact on our overall profitability and we doubled our net profit margins as a result. It was a great position to be in at that time.
However, things were about to change once more!
At the start of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard and prompted us to adapt within a relatively short period of time. And so we did exactly that, once again.
Downscaling our eBay operations
Having recently purchased a new home in 2019, conveniently we had plenty of space available at home. With Covid restrictions and stay-at-home orders constantly in place around that time, we decided to move out of our warehouse. We downsized our team to just myself, my partner and one-employee, and completely scaled back our eBay operations.
We ended our eBay Trading Assistant program -- though by this time we had very few clients remaining on consignment since we were already buying everything upfront with our Instant Buy Offers', and owned more than 90% of the stock that we were selling at that time.
We decided to put the majority of our eBay stock temporarily into storage units but chose to completely overhaul our eBay operations at the same time. We downscaled the total number of listings on eBay to no more than just a few hundred by selecting only the best brands that we had at that time, and sold off the remaining stock to a single indivdual.
For those that remember, Covid-19 actually started in 2019 (hence the -19 part) and it really became known to us by Christmas time that year, that there was potential for this to become a real problem for our business next year.
So what did we do?
Well, just weeks shy of Christmas 2019, we made a very important decision for our business. We pivoted and launched a printing business, paying homage to our roots in decals and graphics that became WinsterCreations®. This became our new home decor brand that initially just sold wall art, but later expanded into many other categories of home decor that we still sell to this day.
The brainchild of this new brand was in fact that of my now fiancee, Kayley -- so I won't take too much credit here.
WinsterCreations® and Shopify
Up until this point, we had always primarily focused our efforts on marketplaces. Intuitively we knew this was a bad strategy long term since marketplaces were becoming more and more saturated with new sellers' every day -- and it was only going to get worse from here. So we opted to launch WinsterCreations® on the Shopify platform instead.

We made over £46K in our first year with Shopify.
We were so invested in what we were doing that we worked day and night readying the new store for launch on the Shopify platform and launched our newest venture within less than two weeks of conception. Between myself, Kayley and our single remaining employee, who just so happened to be a talented graphic designer by her own right -- we built a catalog of more than 2500+ products and made over £46K in our first year of operation as a result of our hard work and dedication.
Oh and I forgot to mention -- we did this with ZERO ad-spend.

How did we do it?
We generated all of this traffic 100% organically through social media and amassed an enagaged following of more than 18,000 real followers on Instagram.
It was simple, effective and fast.
We achieved this growth with a Brand Ambassador' program that enabled the WinsterCreations® brand to build a team of more than 100 Social Media Influencers who actively promote WinsterCreations® products to their audiences on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube — and this program still remains the number one way this brand continues to drive traffic and sales to this day.
That same year, we also made over £53K from our reselling program.
Remember that "Official Merchant Programme" we set up way back in 2014 which allowed for other sellers to sell our products for a profit through the means of dropshipping? Aptly renamed by this time to just our Retailer Program — it was now well established and boasting a team of resellers in its sixth consecutive year of operation.
That same year we also made over £53K from other sellers who actively sold our products on marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon and Etsy.

An increase of 89% on the previous year, and a direct result of the WinsterCreations® brand that we had launched that year.
More impressively, that figure represents only the wholesale price that our sellers paid to us throughout 2020. The total value of their actual sales in that year far exceeded more than double that figure.
So what are we doing now?
To this day, we still have both our WinsterCreations® brand and our reselling program for those who want to make money selling online.
Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)
In 2021 we launched our FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) Enrolment Program providing wholesale access to our entire catalog for amazon resellers. This innovative program operates in tandem with our Passive FBA Profit Share -- which provides opportunities for anyone around the world to invest in our product range and make a passive a income online with FBA.
Shopify Launch Accelerator
In 2023 we launched our Shopify Launch Accelerator. This new program is a one-of-a-kind dropshipping opportunity that is designed to accelerate growth and help individuals achieve guaranteed success with Shopify much faster.
Through this program, enrollees get a fully launched Shopify Dropshipping store with 2500+ products, all your customer orders fulfilled 100% for FREE, and a 100% organic marketing strategy with zero paid ads that will scale your business to over £10K in sales. Starting from just £395/month, with no contract, no hassle — cancel anytime.
Print On Demand Accelerator
In 2024 we launched our Print On Demand Accelerator that helps new Etsy sellers make their first £1K in print-on-demand sales.
Through this unique program, we help new Etsy sellers get their print-on-demand shops up and running and even help fund their growth all the way to their first £1K in print-on-demand sales on Etsy.
We'd love to start working with you!
We have lots of new exciting things planned for 2025 and beyond, so if you aren't already working with us and want to start making money online — get started today.